Licenses and certificates

Licenses, certificates, patents and permits of the “Tornado Modular Systems” company.

«Tornado Modular Systems» Trademark

Registration certificate of the “Modular Systems Tornado™” trademark. 

DCS “Tornado-N” certificate of compliance with the regulations of the Eurasian Customs Union DCS «Tornado-N» certificate of compliance with the regulations of the Customs Union (ТР ТС 004/2011, ТР ТС 020/2011) (Code: ТН ВЭД ТС 8537 10 990 0) dated 23.09.2015.
Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence the safety of buildings and major/primary facilities

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction No. П-431.1 / 15. Issued by SRO1 “StroyProektBezopasnost” on October 6, 2015. Worldwide in perpetuity. Page 1.

1 Self-regulatory organization.

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence the safety of buildings and major/primary facilities

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction No. П-431.1 / 15. Issued by SRO “StroyProektBezopasnost” on October 6, 2015. Worldwide in perpetuity. Page 2.

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction # 0536.03-2012-5408005710-С-223

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction No. 0536.03-2012-5408005710-С-223. Issued by SRO “Building regional partnership” on October 6, 2015. Worldwide in perpetuity. Page 1.

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction No. 0536.03-2012-5408005710-С-223. Issued by SRO “Building regional partnership” on October 6, 2015. Worldwide in perpetuity. Page 2.

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction. Page 3

Certificate of admission to certain types of works, which influence safety of facilities of capital construction No. 0536.03-2012-5408005710-С-223. Issued by SRO “Building regional partnership” on October 6, 2015. Worldwide in perpetuity. Page 3.

Certificate of approval for the measuring instrument DCS Tornado-N Certificate of DCS “Certificate of DCS “Tornado-N ” measuring instrument type approval.” measuring instrument type approval.
Certificate of DCS “Tornado-N” measuring instrument type approval for the Republic of Kazakhstan

Certificate of DCS “Tornado-N” measuring instrument type approval for the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Permit to use of DCS Tornado, Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Permit to use of DCS  “Tornado-N ”.  Rostekhnadzor” No. РРС-045754.

Accreditation certificate for the right to execute calibration. Register 023018/0008

Accreditation certificate for the right of calibration work execution. Register 023018/0008.

Patent for the invention: “Multiprocessor controller for control of a complex technological object”

Patent for the invention: “Multiprocessor controller for control of a complex technological object”.

Patent for the invention: “Device to protect relay contacts against electric arcs discharges”

Patent for the invention: “Protection device of relay contacts from electric arcs”.

Certificate of Quality compliance with ISO 9001 standard for Management System

Certificate of Quality compliance with ISO 9001 standard for Management System. No. СДС.ТП.СМ.04998-14.

Permit to use the voluntary certification scheme compliance mark

Permit to use of voluntary certification system compliance mark No. СМ.Р.04998-14.

Formal acceptance of the Tornado-TM telecontrol system
    Acceptance statement of the FGC1 UEPS2 inter-departmental committee of the “Tornado-TM” telecontrol system.

1 Functional-Group Control.

2 Unified electric power system.
Таможенный союз The certificate of Customs Union for the “Tornado-TM”.
Eurasian Customs Union certificate for the Tornado-TM

The seismic stability certificate No. РОСС RU.FZ79.H15269.



